In often cases, an internal auditor is in engagement with competing clients, either at the same time or in immediate contract transition.
And although there is a definite professional duty of confidentiality and hence will not disclose information about one client to the other, there is a test as to whether having learned about this conflict of interest could materially influence the auditor’s judgement.
In such circumstances therefore, should an audit firm accept engagement with competing clients?
First and most important is full disclosure to the clients about such conflict, and in case the firm has accepted the engagement, it should present to the client the safeguards it has put in place to ensure that the client is not disadvantaged.
Some of the safeguards that should be enforced include:
- Establishment of clear guidelines on confidentiality, eg use of non-disclosure agreements
- Proper client management tools, eg ensuring that each client is allocated a different team and there is secure filing to protect data from being accessed by unauthorized people.